Discmania Meta Origin - Midnight Prowl 2 Kyle Klein Signature Series
The exact color shade of the disc and the stamp color may differ from the product image.
Midnight Prowl is back! Kyle Klein’s Signature Series Origin is a sleek and reliable choice for your bag’s understable midrange slot! Origin, a Discmania disc, is perfect for players of all skill levels and deserves a spot in every bag.
Part of Discmania’s Evolution series, the Origin is an understable midrange with a smaller diameter than most midranges. When thrown hard, the Origin turns over, but for controlled throws, it flies perfectly straight. The smooth, rounded shape provides an excellent hand feel, and the subtle "false bead" adds a touch of stability. The Origin can be seen as the little brother of Discmania’s Essence.
Meta plastic is stunning, pearly, and incredibly durable premium plastic. Compared to Neo and Lux, Meta is slightly more stable. Discs made from Meta plastic shimmer and shift colors under different lighting and angles, much like holograms.
The disc’s shade and stamp color may vary from the product image.