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Frisbeegolfkiekon Valintaopas 2024

Disc Golf Disc Selection Guide 2024

In disc golf, it is important to choose the right disc at the right moment. The market is full of various discs, some of which are better suited for beginners. Selecting the right disc can initially feel very challenging. In this guide, we will go over the factors to consider when choosing a disc golf disc. After reading this guide, you will find it easier to choose the right discs for you and improve faster in disc golf.

Flight numbers

Let's start by going through the flight numbers of disc golf discs. Each disc has flight numbers that provide an indication of the disc's flight path. In our online store, you can find the flight numbers for each disc, and many manufacturers also print them on the disc itself. The flight numbers are presented in this order:

  • Speed
  • Glide
  • Turn
  • Fade


The first flight number is the disc's speed. The higher the speed rating, the farther the disc is designed to fly. The speed rating also indicates the thickness of the rim and ranges from 1 to 15. Typically, speeds 1-3.5 are putters, 3-4.5 are approach discs, 4-6.5 are midranges, 6-9 are fairway drivers, and 9-15 are distance drivers. Different speeds are needed for different throws, but generally, faster discs require a higher initial speed to fly as intended.


The second flight number is the disc's glide. Glide describes the disc's ability to stay in the air. Glide is measured on a scale of 1 to 7. The higher the glide number, the farther the disc will generally fly.


The third flight number is the disc's turn. In disc golf, discs are often described as overstable, stable, or understable. Turn indicates how easily the disc will curve against the direction of its spin. Turn is measured on a scale from 1 to -5. The more understable a disc is (i.e., the lower the turn number), the easier it is to throw it far. An understable disc will more easily turn to the right during a right-handed backhand throw and to the left for a left-handed thrower.


The last flight number is the disc's fade. Fade refers to how sharply the disc curves at the end of its flight. For a right-handed backhand throw, a higher fade number means the disc will finish more to the left, while for a left-handed backhand throw, it will finish more to the right. Fade is measured on a scale from 0 to 6. Generally, discs with lower fade are better suited for beginners.

The three key factors in choosing a disc golf disc are:

  1. Model
  2. Weight
  3. Plastic

1. Model

The disc model is the single most significant factor affecting its flight path. Discs are generally divided into five main types: putters, approach discs, midrange discs, fairway drivers, and distance drivers. Each type has specific characteristics designed for particular throws:

  • Putters have blunt edges and are designed to fly straight with minimal fade. They are suitable for beginners because their shape is comfortable to hold and they are easy to throw accurately. Putters are typically used for straight throws and putting. For beginners, putters generally fly about 30-50 meters, while professionals can throw them over 90 meters. Our most popular putters are:

Prodigy 300 Pa3

Discmania S-Line P3X

  • Approach discs are flatter than putters and are primarily used for approach shots towards the basket. Approach discs typically do not glide much, but they are often well-suited for forehand throws. For beginners, approach discs generally fly about 30-40 meters, while professionals can throw them over 80 meters. Our most popular approach discs are:

Prodigy 400 A2

Innova Star Toro

  • Midrange discs have a slightly larger diameter than other discs and fly a bit farther than putters. Midranges are typically used for accurate, straight throws that finish with a fade. For beginners, midrange discs generally fly about 40-60 meters, while professionals can throw them over 100 meters. Our most popular midrange discs are:

Discmania C-Line MD1

Clash Discs Steady Peach

Discraft ESP Buzzz

  • Fairway drivers are slightly faster than midrange discs, with sharper edges that allow them to fly long distances and fade at the end. Fairway drivers generally fly accurately and straight, but their end fade is greater than that of midrange discs. For beginners, fairway drivers typically fly about 50-70 meters, while professionals can throw them over 120 meters. Our most popular fairway drivers are:

Clash Discs Steady Soda

Discmania S-Line FD

Prodigy 400 F7

  • Distance drivers are even faster than fairway drivers, with flat and sharp edges. Distance drivers are designed for long throws that fade significantly at the end. Beginners are generally advised not to use distance drivers, but professionals can throw them over 140 meters. Our most popular distance drivers are:
  • Clash Discs Steady Wild HoneyDiscmania S-Line DD3Discmania S-Line DD

2. Paino

Kiekon paino vaikuttaa merkittävästi sen lentoon. Kevyemmät kiekot (130-169 grammaa) ovat aloittelijoille sopivampia, sillä ne lentävät helpommin pidemmälle. Painavammat kiekot (yli 170 grammaa) ovat vakaita ja hallittavia kokeneempien pelaajien käsissä, erityisesti tuulisissa olosuhteissa. Kevyemmät kiekot ovat yleensä täysipainoisia alivakaampia. Suosituimmat kevyet kiekkomme ovat: 

Latitude 64 Recycled Diamond

Latitude 64 Opto Pearl

Latitude 64 Opto Ruby

3. Plastic

The plastic type affects the disc's durability and feel in the hand. Most manufacturers offer at least a more affordable "putter plastic" and a more expensive "premium plastic." Putter plastic often has better grip and is especially suited for putting. However, putter plastic wears out much faster than premium plastic and quickly becomes more understable. For throwing, premium plastics are generally recommended as they feel better in the hand and maintain their flight characteristics longer.

Examples of manufacturers' plastics:

Prodigy Disc:

  • Putter plastic: 300, 300 Soft, 350G
  • Premium plastic: 400, 500, 750


  • Putter plastic: DX, KC Pro, XT
  • Premium plastic: Champion, Star, GStar


  • Putter plastic: D-Line, Active, Hard Exo
  • Premium plastic: C-Line, S-Line, Active Premium, Neo

Clash Discs:

  • Putter plastic: Softy, Hardy
  • Premium plastic: Steady, TONE

Latitude 64:

  • Putter plastic: Zero Medium, Zero Soft, Zero Hard, Sense
  • Premium plastic: Opto, Gold, Grand

Disc recommendations for beginners in disc golf:

We have gathered the best putting putter, midrange, and fairway driver from different manufacturers below. You can mix and match different brands or choose our overwhelmingly popular product: DiscKing's Mystery Set. Simply specify that you want discs suitable for beginners, and we will select the perfect discs for you.


Discmania Flex 2 D-Line P1


Clash Discs

Prodigy Disc

Latitude 64


Choosing discs can feel challenging at first, but the best way to learn about them is by throwing them! Hopefully, this guide helps you select the most suitable disc golf discs, allowing you to enjoy the joy and challenges that the sport offers!

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