Innova Halo Champion Teebird - Väinö Mäkelä Tour Series
The exact color shade of the disc and the stamp color may differ from the product image.
Väinö Mäkelä's first Innova Signature disc is the Halo Champion Teebird!
Teebird is one of Innova's most accurate and reliable fairway drivers. It combines a straight flight path, excellent glide, and speed, making it precise for long distances in all conditions. The Teebird performs well for both backhand and forehand throws.
Halo Champion plastic is Innova's highly popular, two-toned premium blend. It is similar to the legendary Champion plastic, known for its great feel and durability. However, Halo Champion plastic is often slightly more stable than Champion plastic.
The disc's color shade and stamp color may not exactly match the product image.